Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ticking Tocking

Author's Note: Well, this poem is on my independent novel page, but I felt like it wasn't getting enough attention and I wanted some feedback. This poem is about a topic in my book came up about how time seems to fly right by, and there is not a thing that we can do to stop it, so I guess this poem is just the expression of these thoughts that we all encounter sometime during our life, and that will continue to show up within our lifetime, leaving bittersweet afterthoughts.

Ticking Tocking

In the house there is
Always a ticking tocking and a
Tocking ticking upon a moment of silence
That reminds us all of the fate that
Awaits us at the end of the hall where
The grandfather clock sits
Lurks with it's hands forever circling in
A motion of never ending counting
It's face never revealing the
Slightest hint of emotion or hesitation to
Tell us the time tick tocking away faster
Each minute than the next almost like
His hands are trying to catch up for some
Important date that seems to ever loom
Closer and closer until it finally arrives and
His hands begin... to slow down...
Until... they stop...


  1. That was a really cool poem and I would like to know who wrote it. Very cool idea to put it on your blog. I agree that time seems to slow down and speed up randomly, and it can be really annoying.

  2. I enjoyed this a lot. The way you use the language to speed up the rate of reading, and then at the end, slow it down again. Was that in my head, or was that on purpose? In any case I liked it. Also the theme is an excellent one -- universal and timeless (sorry about the pun). I was interested by the way the poem sounded as I read it. It is almost uncomfortable, and again, I was wondering if there was any planning behind that, or if it was just me.
