Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Author's Note: This piece is about a movie I recently watched in which a woman is left widowed by a freak accident that kills her husband. It is taking her awhile for the actuality of what has happened to sink in, and I wanted to portray the pain of what she was feeling through this poem. I experimented with format and capitalization of words that I thought were important feelings or objects. Comment what you think and any feedback for me!

I return home,

to what I Thought

was You and me.

But instead,

I find the House


I return home

to where We used

to Stand

But now --

you've Gone;

Empty is my hand.

I return home

to once a Room filled

with Laughter

But now,

only Silence takes place

of what we Were.

And I return home

to the Regret

and the Stillness

Asking if the Pain of this

could ever Be



  1. Hey Autumn,

    I really like this poem, and I think the revision helped it a lot. I love the format of this poem, and the rhyming you do, because it really moves the poem forward. The only thing I was confused about was the capitalization, because I realized you capitalized the main ideas, but it kind of breaks up the flow a little bit. Other than that, you did awesome! good job.

  2. I think this works well. I enjoyed how you used capitalization creatively to add meaning to the poem, to emphasize different words. There is a somber stillness to the poem which I believe you accomplish by having it be so sparse.

  3. The format was very cool and I liked the way you capitalized certain words to add emphasis. I don't think there is a lot you can do to make it better so great job!

  4. Oooh, I like this. The format was very unique and added to the effect of the whole thing. The poem did have sort of an eerie stillness to it- it was a very good, creepy vibe. If that made any sense at all, hehe. Anyway, I thought this was really a job well done.

  5. I like this piece a lot. Your format was really creative and the inspiration was really cool. You did a great job of capturing how someone might feel if that happened to them. Good job!
