In the night,
Ghostly shadows tower over the living,
Shutting out the light
Like shades pulled down over the sun
A light bulb slowly dying
Huge hands flick off the switch
Ghostly shadows tower over the living,
Shutting out the light
Like shades pulled down over the sun
A light bulb slowly dying
Huge hands flick off the switch
Watching for the hint of pale blue,
The time for them to fade,
Hang above this spinning top
A million shining lights,
Pinpointing their place among the sheer blackness
Crickets chirp out the rhythm of the night,
Joined by the noises of darkness,
As the giants of the woods
Wait for the glint
Of the emeralds strung off their arms
And as night's hands reach to cover the lights of towns and cities,
The sleek and cool blanket of nature
Soothes those who are of the dark
As they reveal themselves
Only to be once again hidden by what happens
In the night